Crochet Project #1: Dishcloths


So when I started out crocheting, I saw quite a few exercise and projects teaching people how to crochet dishcloths, and I was thinking, this is silly, why would people spend so much time making a dishcloth when it's only gonna get dirty while we clean things with it. But then I was reading the second issue of Simply Crochet and saw those cute yet simple dishcloths on it, I was tempting to make one to spice up my boring chores that I have to do in the kitchen. Maybe then I'll fall in love with washing dishes, who knows!? haha!

In addition, I've always wonder which yarn is good for the job, because I've never used a handmade dishcloths!! One of the Japanese crochet book I've bought has patterns for cleaning cloths or bath cloths, and the yarns that they used are all made of 100% Acrylic. But I wasn't sure if Acrylic is really good for this job, they're certainly cheaper (and easier to crochet with too!), but I hesitated a bit so I decided to google it, and many many people suggested cotton is a better material for dishcloths, and I happened to have some balls of cotton yarns at home so let's get it started! 

The yarn I am working with is Wolle Rödel's Cotton Universal, I ordered them from the internet together with a bunch of 100% Acrylic yarn for my Amigurumi projects. These cotton ones feels softer than the acrylic ones, but as you can see in the picture below, the yarn seems to split pretty easily, making it quite difficult to crochet with, especially when making the first round!  

I haven't used these cotton yarns on my Amigurumi projects yet, I've only used the acrylic ones so far because of the colours and my concerns with the splitting yarns, I was worried they wouldn't look as good as the acrylic yarns. Or perhaps I should save them for my knitting projects...

Anyway, this is a great project to practice double crochet (or treble crochet, because Simply Crochet is a UK magazine), and I'm also exploring whether holding the crochet hook like a pencil or a knife is more suitable for my wrists. My wrist on my right hand was always bad, I used to work in an IT company and over-worked my wrist then. If any of you, who happened to be reading this, knows which way is better for the wrists, please do leave a comment and let me know, much appreciated!! 

Ok, let me get back to the project ;)

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I'm a mommy of a bunny, creating a happy life with a happy toddler and his papa in Germany. I love knitting, crochet and recently learning how to sew and stitch! I'm not (yet) an expert in any craft, but I'm working hard to be one because I love creating beautiful crafts so much!
