Crochet Project #1: Dishcloths (Completed)

Crochet Dishcloth

The dishcloth is finally finished, I quite like the colour, hopefully it will light up my kitchen a bit and make washing up more enjoyable, I highly doubt it though hahahahaha!

Again, this dishcloth was made based on the pattern from the second issue of the Simply Crochet magazine. It's really easy to make, the only challenge for me was I wasn't sure where to pick up stitches on the sides for making the edges. And if I were to make it again, I wouldn't make my edge stitches so tight, so that the dishcloth would be flat.

Yarn Used: Wolle Rödel's Cotton Universal (1 x Yellow, 1 x Lime)
Hook Size: 3.5mm

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I'm a mommy of a bunny, creating a happy life with a happy toddler and his papa in Germany. I love knitting, crochet and recently learning how to sew and stitch! I'm not (yet) an expert in any craft, but I'm working hard to be one because I love creating beautiful crafts so much!
