Self-learning Crochet From Scratch: Day 2

It's Saturday!! Which means, hubby's here to help with little one and I get to learn crochet more!! Yay!!

I was still practicing the most basic crochet stitch: single crochet stitch. So after watching the video on youtube that I posted yesterday on my blog for a few more times, and read the Happy Hooker book more carefully, I (sort of) found the root of my extra stitch, I think it was because I made an extra stitch on the last one. But still I was still quite confused about which stitch to start the row too. But after a while, I got the hang of it, and created a test gauge without extra stitches, yay!

Left: my 3rd attempt (I've destroyed the first 2!), you see on the left there is one extra stitches growing out!!
Right: my 4th attempt, I see it as a successul one, so I went on to learn the other stitches
(Yes, I was too lazy to weave in the ends, it's only a test piece after all! :p)

By the way, I'm so glad that I learned continental knitting method earlier, because it saved me a lot of time from learning how to hold the yarn and stuff, so it felt quite comfortable to start with already.

I thought it would be quite a good idea to practice all the basic crochet stitches on one piece, so I could compare and differentiate their looks, width and height. So as I learned, I made 8 rows of each stitch type, with two different colour of yarn to practice how to change yarn, too. 

From bottom to top: the Single Crochet Stitch, the Half-Double Crochet Stitch, the Double Crochet Stitch, the Triple Crochet Stitch

Once I learned the single crochet stitch, all the others seemed quite easy to understand, so I think I didn't make any mistakes on my test piece at all - good start!

So I move onto the next challenge from the book - a circle!!

It was something I've always wanting to try, and to be honest, it was easier than it seems! I successfully made a circle with only one attempt! Hooray!! 

And it makes a cute coaster too!! :))

I already had lots of satisfaction from what I've learnt (and created) already, I felt like I could take on a real challenge: a baby bootie!! Good luck to myself!!

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I'm a mommy of a bunny, creating a happy life with a happy toddler and his papa in Germany. I love knitting, crochet and recently learning how to sew and stitch! I'm not (yet) an expert in any craft, but I'm working hard to be one because I love creating beautiful crafts so much!
