Learn to knit with the German style

I learned knitting when I was in Secondary School, and we were taught the English style (also known as the throwing style). I never liked knitting when I was in school, I remember we had to knit a scarf as homework, and I only worked about 1/3 of it, the rest was completed by my mom. So it's kinda weird why I am so obsessed with knitting lately...
Although I didn't knit for years, when I picked up a knitting book, the English method still seem easier for me to start with, because I still remember how to do them. So I started knitting, very slowly.
Then about 2 to 3 weeks ago, I accidentally saw a bunch of German ladies having a small knitting booth to sell their finished products in the shopping mall near our home. My eyes were wide open at the booth, not because of the products, in fact, I hardly looked at them, but the way they knit! Oh my God, they can knit so fast!! Fastest I've ever seen!! And they look so easy when they knit, they were chatting and laughing but that didn't slow them down!!
I wanted to watch them for longer but my little Lucas started to complaint so I had to go, but as soon as I reached home, I opened my knitting book and watched many youtube videos, hoping I could knit the continental method. I tried and I tried, still couldn't get the hang of it. I was so frustrated!
Then a few days later, my lovely friends, Michelle and Virginia, bought me a super lovely birthday present - a cash coupon for a craft store for taking knitting lessons! And they happened to be interested in knitting and so we all went to the craft store last Saturday for our first (German) knitting class!!
Michelle and Virginia were complete beginners, but when it comes to continental knitting method, so am I! At the beginning, everything seemed so strange, I watched and watched how our teacher was doing it (we only learned the knit stitch), but still had difficulty to do it on my own. But it's so good to have someone to teach you face to face, so she can see what I was doing, and correct everything immediately! She pointed out what I did wrong, how my fingers should hold, etc etc. After many trial and error, finally everything seemed to come together!! And with that foundation, all the youtube videos and online tutorials seems to make more sense to me!

So I've been practicing that in the past week, and it seems so much more natural to knit in the continental method for me now, and it really does speed up a lot!

Tomorrow is our second lesson, I can't wait to learn how to purl!

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I'm a mommy of a bunny, creating a happy life with a happy toddler and his papa in Germany. I love knitting, crochet and recently learning how to sew and stitch! I'm not (yet) an expert in any craft, but I'm working hard to be one because I love creating beautiful crafts so much!
